Our QUIZZING- 4 - FUN Online Group has recently made a few changes.
The online quiz questions will be emailed out just once a month. As before there will be 120 questions on 4 different themes.
Members then can email their answers back before the last day of the month.
If any other members would like to join in, even if you don't come to our Quizzing sessions, Please just send Janice an email.
We have a few vacant places, so come and join in with our online quizzing group
Scores: Quiz no. 106 December out of 110pts Gill, 110pts Well done all correct.
Lesley, Bobbie, Darryl, John, all with 109pts Chris, 108pts
Mary, Pam & Roger, Sam & Nigel, Helen & Terry with 107pts Liz, 106pts Suzanne, 105pts
Scores: Quiz no. 105 November Sue & Rick, 117pts Darryl, Bobbie, both with 116pts
Mary, Jo & Vaughan, 115pts. Lesley, Pam & Roger, Helen & Terry all with 114pts
Chris, Gill, Sam & Nigel with 113pts Everyone else scored over 109pts Well done!
Scores: Quiz no. 104 October Helen & Terry, Lesley, Pam & Roger, Jo & Vaughan, all with 118pts
Bobbie, Sam & Nigel, with 117pts Gill, Liz, Sue & Rick all with 116pts
Suzanne, John, Chris, with 115pts everyone else achieved over 105pts
Scores: Quiz no. 103 September Lesley 120pts Congratulations
Helen & Terry 119pts. Bobbie, Sam & Nigel, with 118pts. Eileen, Mary, Liz, Pam & Roger, all with 117pts
Sue & Rick 116pts Gill 115pts. All other members achieved over 110pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 102 August
Helen & Terry, Lesley, with 117pts. Liz, Sue & Rick, with 116pts. Chris, 115pts.
John, Bobbie, with 114pts. Pam & Roger, 113pts. Gill, 111pts. Eileen 110pts
Scores: Quiz no. 101 July out of 120pts.
Helen & Terry, Lesley, John K, all with 120pts Well done.
Chris B, 119pts. Pam & Roger, Darryl, Bobbie all with 118pts
Liz, 117pts Eileen, Gill, both with 116pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 100 June out of 120pts.
Bobbie, 117pts Lesley, 116pts Suzanne, Pam & Roger, Chris B, all with 115pts.
Mary, Liz, Eileen, John, Jo & Vaughan, all with 113pts
Scores: Quiz no. 99 May out of 120pts Pam & Roger, Lesley, 119pts Helen & Terry, Gill, Sue & Rick, 118pts
Chris, Eileen, Liz, Sam & Nigel, Bobbie, 116pts. John, Chris & Allan, Jo & Vaughan, 114pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 98 April out of 120pts Pam & Roger, 120pts Well Done.
Gill, Chris, Bobby, Sue & Rick, with 119pts. Liz, Lesley, 118pts. Chris & Allan, 117pts
Helen & Terry, Jo & Vaughan, John K, all with 116pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 97 March out of 120pts John, Jo & Vaughan, 118pts. Lesley, Gill, both with 116pts.
Helen & Terry, 115pts. Bobbie, 114pts Eileen, Pam & Roger, Sam & Nigel, Chris & Allan, all with 113pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 96 February out of 120pts Lesley, 118pts Bobbie, 117pts Jo & Vaughan, Chris & Allan 116pts.
Sue & Rick, 115pts Pam & Roger, Chris, Liz, John, 114pts Gill, Eileen, Sam & Nigel 113pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 95 January out of 120pts. John K, 113pts. Helen & Terry, Chris B, Sam & Nigel all with 112pts.
Lesley, Bobbie, Liz, Sue & Rick with 111pts. Chris & Allan 110pts. Eileen, Suzanne
Scores: Quiz no. 94 December out of 110pts. Suzanne, Lesley, Chris, all with 106pts
Helen & Terry, Pam & Roger, Sue & Rick, with 105pts. Christine, 104pts Bobbie, John 103pts. Liz, 101pts
Scores: Quiz no. 93 November out of 120pts. Lesley, Helen & Terry, Jo & Vaughan, 118pts
Gill, 116pts. Chris, Liz, Bobbie, 115pts Sue & Rick, Pam & Roger, Sam & Nigel 114pts
Scores: Quiz no. 92 October out of 120pts. Helen & Terry 114pts. Jo & Vaughan, 112pts. Chris, Lesley, 111pts
John, 110pts. Eileen, 109pts. Pam & Roger, 108pts. Sam & Nigel 107pts, Suzanne, 105pts
Scores: Quiz no. 91 September out of 120pts. Chris, Lesley, Jo & Vaughan all with 119pts
Bobbie, 118pts. Helen & Terry, 116pts. Chris & Allan, John 115pts Sue & Rick, 114pts Sam & Nigel, 113pts
Scores: Quiz no. 90 August out of 120pts. Lesley, Chris, Sue & Rick all with 118pts
Helen & Terry, Eileen, 117pts. Bobby 116pts, Liz 15pts, John 114pts
Scores: Quiz no. 89 July out of 120pts Chris B 120pts Congratulations!
Sue & Rick, Helen & Terry 119pts. Jo, John, Liz, 118pts Eileen 117pts, Pam & Roger 115pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 88 June out of 120pts Jo R 120pts Congratulations!
Lesley, John, 119pts Liz, Sue & Rick, 117pts Chris & Allan, 116pts Gill, Helen & Terry, Chris, all with 115pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 87 May out of 120pts Lesley 120pts Congratulations!
Chris, 119pts Jo, 118pts Helen & Terry, Eileen, 116pts Liz, John 115pts Pam & Roger 114pts
Scores: Quiz no. 86 April out of 120pts Sue & Rick 118pts. Helen & Terry 117pts, John 116pts
Eileen, Lesley, Chris & Allan all with 115pts Gill 114pts, Chris, Liz, Pam & Roger 113pts, Jo 112pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 85 March out of 116pts Lesley B 116pts Congratulations!
Chris B, 115pts Helen & Terry 114pts Sue & Rick 113pts Gill O, Eileen F, John K, all with 110pts
Scores: Quiz no. 84 Feb out of 120pts Lesley 118pts Liz 117pts Pam & Roger 117pts
John, Helen & Terry, Sue & Rick all with 115pts Eileen, Chris & Allan 114pts Gill 113pts
Scores: Quiz no. 83 Jan out of 120pts Gill 118pts Sue & Rick, Chris & Allan, 117pts
Jenny & John, Liz 116pts Lesley 114pts Pam & Roger, Rosemary & Philip 112pts Bobbie 111pts
Scores: Quiz no. 82 Dec out of 120pts Lesley 117pts Helen & Terry 116 pts Sue & Rick 115pts
Chris 114pts Liz, John & Jenny 113pts Chris & Allan 112 pts Eileen 111pts Well done everyone else.
Scores: Quiz no. 81 Nov out of 120pts. John K, 120 pts Well Done
Helen & Terry 119 pts Gill, Pam & Roger, Lesley, Chris, Jenny & John, all with 118 pts
Chris & Allan, 117 pts Sue & Rick 116 pts
Scores: Quiz no. 80 Oct out of 90pts. Sue & Rick, Chris & Allan,
Lesley, with 89pts. Liz 88pts. Gill, Jenny & John, Pam & Roger 87pts
John, 86pts. Eileen, Chris, 85pts. Rosemary & Philip, 82pts
Scores: Quiz Sept. no. 79 out of 90pts. Lesley, 90pts, Well Done
Gill, Sue & Rick with 89pts Eileen, John, both with 88pts
Pam & Roger Chris & Allan 87pts Liz, Jenny & John 85pts
Scores: Quiz August no. 78 out of 90pts Lesley, Pam & Roger 87pts
John, Chris & Allen, 86pts
Eileen, Gill, Rosemary & Philip, Jenny & John, Liz all with 84pts
Scores: Quiz no. 74 out of 85pts Lesley B, 85pts Full House!
Chris B, 84pts. Helen & Terry, Barbara, Chris & Alan all with 83pts
John K, Sue & Rick 82pts, Gill O, Eileen F, Judith M all with 81pts
Scores: Quiz no. 73 out of 80pts Jenny & John 78pts, well done
Chris, Sue, Chris & Allan 77pts Liz, Lesley, 76pts
Eileen, Sam & Nigel, 75pts. Sue & Rick, Barbara & John 74pts
Scores: Quiz no. 72 out of 80pts Lesley, Sue & Rick, John 77pts
Jenny & John 76pts, Chris, Liz, Gill, all with 75pts
Chris & Allan, 73pts Helen, 72pts, Eileen, 70pts
Scores: Quiz no. 71 out of 85pts Chris, Liz, 84pts
Lesley, Sam & Nigel, Jenny & John, 83pts
Pam & Roger, Chris & Allan, John 82pts Sue & Rick 81pts
Gill, Eileen, Judith, Anne & Dennis all with 80pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 70 out of 85pts. Lesley, Chris & Allan, Liz, Chris,
Jenny & John, Carol & Rob, All with 85pts, Well done.
Sue & Rick 84pts Gill, Eileen, Bobbie, Rosemary & Philip, with 83pts
Pam & Roger, Sue, with 82pts Anne & Dennis 80pts
Scores: Quiz no. 69 out of 90 pts Penny, Chris & Allan, John, with 89pts
Sue & Rick, Carol & Rob, Liz, Jenny & John, all with 88pts
Lesley, 87pts. Chris, Sam & Nigel 86pts.
Helen, Bobbie, Pam & Roger 85pts
Scores: Quiz no. 68 out of 90 pts Eileen 89 pts
Chris & Allan, Liz, Jenny & John, Carol & Rob all with 88 pts
Chris, Lesley, Sue & Rick, with 87 pts
John, Sam & Nigel, with 86 pts Barbara & John, 85 pts
Scores: Quiz no. 67 out of 85 pts. Liz, Carol & Rob with 84pts
Gill, Lesley, Chris & Allan, all with 83pts Sue & Rick 82pts
Sue, Chris, Barbara & John, Jenny & John, John, with 81pts Judith 80pts
Scores: Quiz no. 66 out of 80pts Eileen, Carol & Rob 80pts Well done!
Lesley, Sue & Rick, 79pts Chris & Allen, Pam & Roger, John, with 78pts
Penny S, Liz, Diana G, 77pts Gill, Chris 76pts
Scores: Quiz no. 65 out of 90pts Sue & Rick, 88pts
Sam & Nigel, Chris & Allan, Carol & Rob all with 87pts
Bobbie, Liz, Jenny & John, with 85pts
Chris, John, Gill, with 84pts Lesley, 83pts Rosemary & Philip 82pts
Scores: Quiz no. 64 out of 85pts Chris B, Pam & Roger S, Chris & Allan,
all with 85pts Well done. Jenny & John, Judith M, Sue & Rick Carol &
Rob with 84pts
Bobbie, Lyn G, Lesley, Rosemary & Philip, John, Sam & Nigel, Robert
all with 83pts. Gill, Liz, Diana G, with 82pts
Scores: Quiz no. 63 out of 80pts Lesley 80pts Carol & Rob 79pts
Chris B, Penny, with 78pts Jenny & John 77pts
Sue P, Liz S, Chris & Allan, John K, Lin G, all with 76pts
Eileen, Sue & Rick, Robert T with 75pts
Scores: Quiz no. 62 out of 135pts Lesley 131pts Well done.
Liz 129pts. Chris B. 128pts. Gill, Chris & Allan, Carol & Rob 127pts
Jenny & John, 126pts. Diana G, Sue & Rick, 124pts. Sue P, 123pts
Scores: Quiz no. 61 out of 75 pts Carol & Rob 74pts
Robert T. Lesley B, 73pts Eileen, John K. 72pts
Gill O, Liz S, Sue & Rick all with 70pts
Scores: Quiz no. 60 out of 80pts Lesley 78pts Jenny & John, John K, 76pts
Eileen, Rob & Carol, 75pts Helen & Terry, 74pts
Jenny D, Liz, Barbara & John, with 73pts Gill, Chris B, Sue & Rick, 72pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 59 out of 80pts Lesley, Liz, Chris & Allan, Robert T.
Carol & Rob all with 78pts.
Chris B, Eileen, Sue P, Barbara & John, John K, Sue & Rick
Jenny & John, Marguerite L, all with 77pts
Bobbie, Gill, both with 76pts
Scores: Quiz no. 58 out of 80pts Carol & Rob 79pts
Jenny & John, Penny, with 78pts. Judith M, Lesley, with 77pts
Chris & Allen, Sue & Rick, 76pts
Liz, Pam & Roger, Sue P, Barbara & John all with 75pts
Scores: Quiz no. 57 out of 90pts. Barbara & John, Carol & Rob, Lesley,
Liz, Sue & Rick, all with 90pts. Well Done!
Eileen, Jenny & John, Anne & Dennis, Sam & Nigel, John K all with 89pts
Helen, Chris & Allan, Judith Mee, with 88pts Gill, 86pts
Jenny, Pam & Roger, 85pts
Scores: Quiz no. 56 out of 85pts. Sue & Rick, Carol & Rob 84pts
Gill, Liz, Penny, Jenny & John with 83pts
Bobbie, Lesley, Chris & Allan, Barbara & John, 82pts
Anne & Dennis, Eileen, Rosemary & Philip, with 81pts Chris 80pts
Scores: Quiz no. 55 out of 80pts. Jenny & John 79pts
Sue & Rick, John K, Lesley, Carol & Rob, all with 78pts Gill O, 77pts.
Bobbie, 76pts. Chris B, Chris & Allan, Rosemary & Philip, Helen,
Jenny, all with 75pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 54 out of 80pts. Lesley B, Carol & Rob, 80pts Well done
Sue & Rick 79pts Penny S, John K, 78pts
Eileen, Pam & Roger, Liz, Jenny & John, all with 77pts
Helen, Rosemary & Philip, Barbara & John with 76pts
Gill, Sam & Nigel, Val & Janet, with 75pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 53 out of 75pts. Carol & Rob 74pts
Chris & Allan, Liz, Lesley, all with 73pts
Barbara & John, Sue & Rick, Jenny & John, John K, all with 72pts
Bobbie, Sue P, Sam & Nigel, 71pts Penny S, Eileen, 70pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 52 out of 80pts Lesley, Liz, 79pts Jenny & John 78pts
Carol & Rob, Eileen, Barbara & John, Rosemary & Ian, Sue & Rick, Helen,
Chris, all with 77pts. Jenny, Judith M, Pam & Roger, with 76pts
Bobbie D, Anne & Dennis, with 75pts
Scores: Quiz no. 51 out of 85pts This quiz proved to be more difficult!
Lesley B, 85pts well done Chris & Allan, Carol & Rob, with 83pts
Chris B, 82pts Sue & Rick, 81pts Sue P, Gill O, both with 80pts
Scores Quiz no. 50 out of 90 pts Chris B, Lesley B, with 90pts Well done!
Carol & Rob, John K. with 89pts. Jenny & John 88pts. Gill, 87pts
Eileen, 86 pts. Sue & Rick 83pts. Rosemary & Philip 83pts
Scores, Quiz no. 49 out of 85pts Lesley, 83pts.
Chris & Allan, Carol & Rob, 82pts. Jenny & John 81pts Gill 80pts
Sue & Rick, 79pts. Eileen, Jo, Barbara & John all with 78pts
Scores, Quiz no. 48 out of 75pts. John K, 73pts. Lesley, Carol & Rob 72pts
Chris & Allan, Jenny & John, 71pts. Liz, Barbara & John 70pts
Chris B, Bobbie D, Pam & Roger, Jo T, all with 69pts
Scores, Quiz no. 47 out of 90pts. Carol & Rob 89pts Liz, Eileen, 88pts
Dennis & Anne, Sue & Rick, 87pts Lesley, Sam & Nigel, Jenny & John 86pts
Helen & Terry, Jo, Chris, 85pts Gill, Barbara & John, 84pts
Scores, Quiz no. 46 out of 80pts. Chris B, John K, both with 77pts
Lesley B, 74pts. Jenny & John, Carol & Rob, 73pts
Eileen, Liz, Chris & Allan, Judith M. all with 72pts
Scores Quiz no. 45 out of 85pts. Lesley B 85pts Well done
Eileen, John K, 84pts. Sue & Rick, Jenny & John 82pts
Jenny D, 81pts. Chris & Allan, Sue P, 80pts Diana F, 79pts
Scores quiz no. 44 out of 80pts. Lesley B, Carol & Rob 79pts Jenny D, 77pts
Gill O, Eileen F, John K, 76pts Sam & Nigel B, 75pts Diana F, 74pts
Chris & Allan, Jo T, with 73pts
Scores quiz no. 43 out of 120pts Carol & Rob, 114pts. Frankie C, 113pts
Chris & Allan, Lesley, Sam & Nigel, Sue & Rick, all with 112pts
Liz, Rosemary & Ian F, with 110pts Diana F, Eileen, Jenny & John 109pts
Scores quiz no. 42 out of 82pts. Sam & Nigel, Lesley, Barbara & John, Penny, Rosemary & Philip, all with 82pts Brilliant!
Carol & Rob, Ros J, Diana G, Eileen, Diana F, Lin, Jenny & John, John K,
Sue & Rick, all with 81pts
Gill, Chris, Helen & Terry, Pam & Roger, Liz, Chris & Allan, all with 80pts
Scores for no. 41, out of 90pts Barbara & John, Jenny & John 90pts Well done.
Helen, Eileen, Carol & Rob, John K all with 89pts
Penny, Sue P, Sue & Rick with 88pts
Diana F, Jenny D, Lesley B, Chris & Allan, Liz, all with 87pts
Scores for Quiz 40, out of 75pts. Carol & Rob, Lesley, Eileen, John K, all with 75pts Well Done!
Diana F, Barbara & John, with 74pts
Chris, Diana G, Ros J, Jenny & John, Sue & Rick, all with 73pts
Pam & Roger, Sam & Nigel with 72pts
Scores for Quiz 39, out of 85pts Carol & Rob 85pts Well done
Chris, Barbara & John, Penny, Eileen, Sue & Rick, all with 82pts
Lesley, 81pts. Gill, Jenny & John, Pam & Roger, Diana all with 80pts
Scores for Quiz 38, out of 105pts. Chris & Allan C, 103pts
Jenny & John, Carol & Rob 102pts Eileen, Sue & Rick, 101pts
Diana, John K, Sam & Nigel all with 99pts.
Scores for Quiz 37, out of 90pts high marks for this quiz. Liz S, 90pts
Chris & Allan, Sam & Nigel, 89pts.
Eileen, Sue P, Pam & Roger, Carol & Rob, Jenny & John, John K, all 88pts
Chris, Sue & Rick 87pts Lesley B, Jo, 86pts Diana F, 86pts
Scores for Quiz 36, out of 85pts. Jenny & John 84pts Rob & Carol 83pts
Barbara & John 82pts, Lesley, Eileen, 81pts.
Gill, Anne & Dennis, Judith Mee, all with 79pts Jenny, Sue & Rick with 78pts
Scores for Quiz no. 35, out of 90. Carol & Rob 90pts Well done
John K, Jenny & John, Chris & Allan with 89pts
Penny S, Sam & Nigel 88pts
Eileen, Lesley, Liz, Chris all with 87pts Diana F, 86pts
Scores for Quiz no. 34, out of 85. Eileen F, 85pts Well done!
Carol & Rob, Anna, Jenny & John, with 84pts
Chris, Jo, Sam & Nigel, John K, Chris & Allen, Barbara & John with 83pts
Gill, 82pts Ros J, Lesley, Anne & Dennis, Rosemary & Philip all with 81pts
Diana F, Liz S 80pts. All other scores were above 70pts. Good results!
Scores for Quiz no. 33, out of 80 Anna W, 79pts Chris B, 78pts
Rosemary & Philip R -W, John K, with 77pts
Gill O, Helen & Terry W, Eileen F, all with 76pts
Lesley B, Sam & Nigel B with 74pts
Scores for Quiz no. 32, out of 86pts Eileen F, 86pts Well done
Jenny & John, Carol & Rob, 85pts Chris & Allan, Sue & Rick, John K, 84pts
Chris B, Liz S, Lesley B, 83pts Gill O, Pam S, Anna W, Helen W, 82pts
Scores for Quiz no. 31, out of 90pts
Penny S, Liz S, Anna W, Jenny & John R, Carol & Rob all with 89pts
Chris B, 88pts Eileen F, Lin G, Chris & Allan C, with 87pts
Jo T, Helen & Terry, Barbara P, Janet & Val, Sam & Nigel, John K, 86pts
Gill O, Jenny D, Sue & Rickie R, with 85pts.
Scores for Quiz no. 30, out of 87pts. Chris B, Eileen F, Penny S, with 85pts.
Sue P, John K, Sue & Rickie R with 84pts
Barbara P, Pauline P, Jenny & John R, with 83pts
Lesley B, Helen & Terry W, Chris & Allan C, Lin G, Judith M with 82pts.
Scores for Quiz no. 29, out of 92pts. Diana Gray, Sue Pilmer both with 88pts.
Rosemary & Ian Failes, Helen & Terry, Carol & Rob all with 86pts
Sue & Rickie, John K, with 85pts
Chris B, Lesley B, Penny S, Barbara P, Sam & Nigel all with 84pts
Scores: Christmas Quiz no. 28 out of 135 pts
Chris Baston 135 pts Well done
Liz S, Ros J, Sue & Rickie R, Helen & Terry W, all with 132 pts
Lesley B, Chris & Allan, John K, with 131pts
Jenny & John R with 130pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 27 out of 95pts
Chris B, Eileen F, Jo T, Jenny & John R all with 95pts Well done
Sue & Rick R, 93pts Liz S, 92pts
Lyn G, Pauline P, Sam & Nigel with 91pts
Carol & Rob, Jenny D, Pam & Roger, John K all with 90pts
Scores: Quiz no. 26 out of 105pts There are some excellent results on this quiz.
Jenny Dickie, Sue & Rick Roberts, Carol & Rob all with 105pts Well done
Chris & Allan 104pts Anna, Rosemary & Philip with 103pts
Ros J, Helen, Jo, Lesley, Pam & Roger, Penny, Jenny & John, all with 102pts
Scores: Quiz no. 25 out of 95pts Carol & Rob 95pts Well done
Chris B, Penny S, Jenny & John, Sue & Rick all with 92pts
Eileen, Gill, Liz, John K all with 91pts
John Webster, Chris & Allan with 90pts
Score: Quiz no. 24 out of 80pts. Carol & Rob, Liz S 76pts
Chris B, Eileen, both with 74pts Gill, Anne & Dennis, Jenny & John,
Sue & Rickie , Ros J all with 73pts Anna, Lyn G, Pam S all with 72pts
Score: Quiz no. 23 out of 83pts. Eileen 79pts Anna, Carol & Rob 77pts Sam & Nigel 76pts
Helen, Jenny & John, John, 75pts Chris 73pts Sue & Rick 72pts
Score: Quiz no. 22 out of 80pts John K, Carol & Rob, Chris B all with 78pts
Liz S with 77pts. Eileen F with 76pts. Lesley B with 76pts
Anna W, Helen W, Chris & Allan all with 74pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 21 out of 70pts. Helen, Penny, both with 69pts
Carol & Rob, Eileen, Pauline, Lesley, Pam, Jenny & John, Sue & Rick all with 68pts Jo T, Sam & Nigel with 67pts
Jennie D, Barbara, Liz, John, Janet & Val, Gill all with 66pts
Scores: Quiz no. 20 out of 70pts Brilliant results!
Helen, Penny, Chris & Allan, Sam & Nigel, all with 70pts
Carol & Rob, Gill, Barbara P, Lyn, Chris, Pauline P, all with 69pts
Anne & Dennis, Diana F, Liz, all with 68pts
Scores: Quiz no. 19 Out of 79pts
Rob & Carol 78pts. Anna Wyatt, Chris & Allan 77pts
Jennie D, Sue & Rick, Penny S, 76pts
Pam Scotford , John & Jenny R, Sam & Nigel 75pts
Scores: Quiz No. 18 Out of 80 pts 3 sections
Carol & Rob 80pts Sue & Rick 79pts Gill O 77pts
Jennie D, Sam & Nigel, 76pts
Dennis & Anne P, Barbara & John, Chris B all with 75pts
Scores: Quiz no. 17 Out of 85pts, 3 sections
Gill O, Barbara & John, Carol & Rob all with 84pts
Helen & Terry, 83pts Jenny & John Rand, Liz S, Sue & Rick R, with 82pts
Jennie D, Sam & Nigel, Lesley Bagshaw, Penny S, with 81pts
Scores: Quiz No. 16 Out of 85pts 3 sections
Helen & Terry 85pts John K, Liz S, Sam & Nigel, Sue P, all with 84pts
Carol & Rob, Chris & Allan, Penny S, all with 83pts
Anna W, Chris B, both with 82pts Jo Thomson 81pts
Scores: Quiz No. 15 Out of 90pts 3 sections
Eileen 88pts, Carol & Rob 87pts Sam & Nigel Sue P with 86pts
Helen & Terry, Ros Payne, John K, Sue & Rick all with 85pts
Gilll, Jenny D, Chris & Allan, Liz S all with 84pts
Scores: Quiz No. 14 Out of 80pts 3 sections
Helen & Terry 80pts Carol & Rob 79pts
Eileen, Penny, Sue & Rick all with 78pts Chris, Anna, both with 77pts
Gill, Jenny, Sam & Nigel, all with 76pts
Scores: Quiz No. 13 Out of 85pts 4 sections
Carol & Rob 85pts Chris Baston 84pts
Gill Onslow, Liz Struckett both with 83pts
Anna Wyatt, Sam & Nigel, John Knott all with 82pts
Eileen Fuller, Helen White both with 81pts
Scores: Quiz No. 12 Out of 85pts 3 sections
Liz Struckett 85pts
Carol & Rob, Sue & Rick with 84pts Jenny Dickie, Eileen Fuller, with 83pts
Diana Gray, Penny Smith, Chris & Allan with 82pts
John Knott, Anne & Dennis Plant, Janet & Val, Sue Pilmer all with 81pts
Scores: Quiz no.11 Out of 90pts. 3 sections.
Carol & Rob 89pts, Eileen Fuller, 86pts, Chris Baston 85pts
Sam & Nigel, John Knott both with 83pts. Penny Smith 82pts
Scores: Quiz no.10 Out of 85pts. 3 sections.
John Webster, Jo Thomson, Penny Smith, John Knott, Sue Pilmer, Chris & Allan Clarke all with 84 pts
Chris Baston, Sam & Nigel Blay, Diana Gray, Jean Moore, Judith Mee all with 83pts.
Scores: Quiz no. 9 Out of 80pts Carol & Rob, Chris & Allan both 79pts
Penny Smith 78pts Chris Baston, Pam Scotford, Ros Payne, Sam & Nigel all with 77pts
Jenny Dickie, Eileen Fuller, Sue Pilmer, John Webster all with 76pts
Scores for online quiz No. 7 Total of 79pts from 4 sections
Carol & Rob 77pts
Eileen Fuller, Chris & Allan both with 76pts Jenny Dickie, 75pts, Chris Baston, John Knot, Penny Smith, Sam & Nigel all with 74pts
Janet L'Enfant, Anna Wyatt, Gill, Helen & Terry all with 73pts.
Scores for online quiz No. 6. Total of 88pts from 3 sections
Carol & Rob, Helen & Terry both with 88 pts,, Well done!
John Knott 86 pts, Chris Baston 85 pts, Penny Smith 83 pts Eileen Fuller 82 pts, Chris & Allen 81 pts, Sue Pilmer 81 pts Sam & Nigel 81 pts.
Results for our most recent online quiz no. 5. total 100 pts over 4 sections.
Carol & Rob with 99pts John Knott 93pts Anna Wyatt 92pts
Helen White, Sue & Rick Roberts both 91pts
7 other members scored over 80pts.
Results for our most recent online quiz no.4. 4 sections with a total of 98 pts.
Top Scorers were: Carol and Rob with 90pts
Chris & Allan Clarke, John Knott, Helen White all with 86pts
Sue & Rick Roberts 84pts Gill Onslow 83pts
Today, 28th April was the closing date for our 3rd U3A online quiz, there were 3 different subjects with a total of 60pts.
Top scorers were:
Lin Gaskin 59pts, Carol & Rob, Chris & Allan Clarke both 58pts,
Sue Pilmer 56 1/2pts Ros Payne & Jennie Dickie both 56pts
Today, 18th April was the closing date for our 2nd U3A online quiz. There were 3 different subjects with a total of 68pts.
Listed are the top scorers: Chris Baston & Ros Payne both 66 1/2
Carol & & Rob 65 1/2 Penny Smith 65 Nigel & Sam Blay 63 1/2
Diana Gray 62 1/2 Philip & Rosemary 62 1/2
Today, 8th April was the closing date for our first U3A online quiz. 35 members took part. The points total for the 1st quiz was 2 subjects both worth 24 pts each. Listed are the members who achieved 40 and over.
Nigel & Sam Blay 45
Jean Bell 43
Chris & Allan Clarke, Chris Batson Eileen Fuller, Ros Payne All with 42
Frankie Cartwright, Rosemary & Ian Failes, with 41
Dale Lippitt, Gill Onslow with 40