MEETS Monthly
WHEN The first Monday of the month from 1.45pm to 3.45pm
WHERE Holy Innocents Community Hall, at the junction of Sutton Park Road and Stourport Road, Kidderminster, DY11 6LA. See Map.
COST £2 or £3 per meeting, depending on Speaker costs.
LEADER Geoff Bailey
CONTACT For all enquiries, please contact Elaine on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
DESCRIPTION The History Group hold a variety of Meetings combining Outside Speakers, Members' Research, Day Visits and an enjoyable Christmas lunch and quiz at our December meeting. Each year we also include a couple of Study Tours by coach or air for those who are interested.

The History Group does not have a Waiting list!  We operate a pre-booking system for meetings to ensure everyone who wants to come can do so.  The maximum attendance at meetings in the hall is restricted to 80 members for Health and Safety reasons.

The History Group is a member of The Worcestershire Local History Forum whose Website and Newsletter are available for you to look at here.