
I am now taking names for the NEW 2-year course which will begin on Friday 27th September 2pm at Shatterford Village hall. It then continues EVERY FOURTH  Friday of the month until July 2026. Each session will be at a cost of £1.50 plus an additional 50p if paper notes are required. Otherwise session notes will be sent to each attendee electronically


Currently: Established 1st Year Group which started September 2023 on 2nd Tuesday of the month (Concludes July 2025)

WHERE Shatterford Village Hall, Arley lane, Shatterford, DY12 1RR
COST Currently £1.50 per session
LEADER Sue Langley
CONTACT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
DESCRIPTION The 'Science of Life based upon Practical Philosophy' is a two-year course and two levels are run concurrently. 


So what is it that we do in SOL? It is a thought-provoking course - Sometimes working through old and new scientific ideas, together with many ancient and new philosophies, this group looks in detail at many interesting topics about the life we all live. In doing so, with an open mind, we learn at times to “Think outside of the Box” and consider everyday things from a different angle or perspective, all with the aim of understanding ourselves better in order to bring joy, happiness and greater meaning to life. This is the prime goal of the Science of Life group.

Below is a list of the many thought provoking subjects covered over a two-year period:

  1. Introduction and - 'Present Moment Living' to de-stress your life
  2. Why the many meditation techniques are so good for your health and longevity
  3. The powers of this MIND of ours - what is 'mind' anyway?
  4. What is meant by happiness?  - why you should 'choose' to be happy and so keep illness at bay
  5. Ayurveda  (two parts) – The science of life and longevity – a fascinating 5,000 yrs old healing system
  6. Looking at what the ‘love’ energy really is and how we interact with one another in relationships
  7. Understanding what is meant by human consciousness and spirituality? (Nothing at all to do with religion)
  8. The biomarkers of ageing (two parts); understanding that we DO have some control over our health and wellbeing and you are shown HOW to tackle it and take charge of your life
  9. Body Language – the non verbal form of communication we use all of the time without being aware - your finest communication tool
  10. The health benefits of The Bowen Technique, Tapping (EFT) and Reflexology
  11. The Glory of Colour – looking at colour differently and as a form of body language and healing
  12. Aromatherapy and its uses, including Shiatsu and body massage ideas for improved health and well-being
  13. The Great Powers of Active Honey, Herbal Remedies and the Water we all drink (you will be surprised)
  14. A fun look at the merits of Psychometric Testing to discover our inner selves
  15. Understanding Feng Shui and how to use it in your home and surroundings
  16. Spirit and Energy Communication - looking in some depth at the unknown - Clairvoyance, Mediumship and Astrology
  17. Discovering the many ideas of Rudolf Steiner including his thoughts on Bio Dynamic agriculture, nutrition and Emotional  Freedom techniques used in Education
  18. Delving into Reincarnation, near death and out of body experiences
  19. Looking into Dowsing, Hypnosis and the idea of regression into past lives
  20. Healing qualities of Reiki and the Alexander Technique for improved deportment and health
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Sue has been studying all aspects of this subject since 1987 and because the very practical ideas conveyed in the sessions have brought greater meaning to her life, she would like to pass on this valuable knowledge to encourage others to live life to the full. It is hoped that everyone taking part will enjoy learning about what makes human beings as they are, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Top Tips
Present Moment Living

Do your very best to practice at all times living your life "in" the present moment, not re-living the past or trying to live in the future in your head with your 'chatter box'; this practice has the potential to bring an abundance of joy and happiness to even the most troubled soul. 'Mindfullness' is a current 'buzz word' of our century and tells us very simply that we should tackle all activities in our lives with 100% 'full attention' and this alone can be a huge factor in keeping stress to the minimum and helps to combat depression. Try it?


A life lived being forever "grateful" for what you already have makes for a contented and joyful heart. And in order to have a contented heart you also need to learn to be grateful for flawed people and imperfect gifts. They can teach us so much about ourselves. Above all, be grateful for the parts of your body that do still work and move around - even if they might require a little aid!